Aiden Johnson-Hugill


Andrew has had a very strong relationship with the Summerfield group of Companies for over 30 years. He is a true specialist in his field of office agency, refurbishment and development. His advice in both good and poor markets has always been helpful, honest, accurate and constructive, and he has been involved in many successful projects with Summerfield

Richard Lloyd Executive Chairman: Summerfield Group of Companies

I will always seek Andrew’s advice on major acquisitions as his wisdom and knowledge invariably offer valuable insights. He has been closely involved in many of the projects which I have undertaken, including our most challenging, and certainly most rewarding project - the St James Park Development, steering a hugely complex land assembly, planning and development process with multiple stakeholders, including a development of 312 student bedrooms two new stands and new changing rooms for the Football Club.

Andrew Davis Senior Development Manager

Pearce Property was appointed joint agents with JLL on Milford House at Pynes Hill in Exeter. A building we have owned since we built it for Norwich Union ( now Aviva ) and some 45,000 sq ft. Andrew acted for Norwich Union on the original acquisition so knew the building well. It needed to be refurbished after some 20 years and brought up to modern day occupational standards. With some 22,000 sq ft vacant and a major refurbishment budgeted for we needed to find a suitable tenant. As we started the works Andrew and the letting team were able to introduce Jurassic Fibre and terms were then agreed in very quick time on all the vacant space as Jurassic had to vacate an existing building by the end of August 2022. Working together with the tenant and their fitout company we were able to give them phased occupation.

Phil Moore Director

Andy is unique with both a wide range of experience and knowledge coupled with a clear understanding of the challenges facing our industry. His advice is always balanced on the bedrock of market data whilst being able to cut through complex issues to deliver a clear outcome. He particularly understands the importance of delivering sustainable buildings and being able to demonstrate that value to occupiers. As if that was not enough, he is always great company and a pleasure to entertain and be entertained by. Very refined palate and taste especially if you’re paying!

Aiden Johnson-Hugill Managing Director

Pearce Property recently represented us in the introduction of a new tenant and subsequent lease negotiations at Mast House in Plymouth. At 18,000 sq.ft the letting was of a significant scale and was achieved at a challenging time within the office sector. Andy left no stone unturned in identifying potential options for us and represented us well in the subsequent negotiation of rent and other matters relating to the lease agreement. We worked with Andy prior to the formation of Pearce Property and are delighted to see that he continues to offer the same high quality of service with his new business that he did previously despite no longer having the infrastructure of a major national consultancy behind him.

Rob Moore Director